Welcome to our Ropecenter.com. The online store is a collaboration between Ruurd van Wieren and Roelof Fopma (van Wieren Fopma V.O.F.) and was founded in 2009. We started in the Netherlands with our webshop www.touwspecialist.nl. And in 2021 we expanded our business to Europe via Ropecenter.com.

Since our founding in 2009, we have supplied ropes, lines and related products for various target groups. Ruurd van Wieren has sailed in the Tornado Catamaran class for a long time and has often successfully participated in the Sneek Week regatta.

Our stock is now so large that we can usually deliver with speed. If it is not in stock and speed is required, we can act quickly through our reliable suppliers.
Some photos of our business: